Upcoming Workshop
EQUIPPING KINGDOM LEADERS 05/20-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.” ~ John 15:5
About This Workshop
What did God say He wanted?
“The time for the breastfed, impotent body of Christ who simply live as though I never purchased your freedom is over. I want the crew and not the crowd. I need to see active faith, powerful faith. That looks like rising up and shining My light to Influence the people and the nations back to me. They are my inheritance!
Jesus continued Spirit LED leaders, I am calling you forward. I want you to know how to connect with my heart so profoundly that you are seeing and hearing and feeling and thinking my thoughts. I need you to walk and sync with me to your destined callings. This is not just for you. I need you to lead other people that I have placed under your authority to be able to do that as well. As I pass this ability to you, you pass it to others, and they pass it to others and so on… It is my multiplying and magnifying way.” ~ Jesus
What will we accomplish?
The goals of the workshop are to:
- Know how to live a life of abiding and teach others how to do the same, naturally supernaturally.
- Involve the Holy Spirit to interpret His meaning of the Word of God and put it into action.
- Lead with Spirit Led planning and godly decision-making tools.
- Activate and release the gifts of the Spirit in Group settings and for Divine calling assignments.
- Empower people to boldly walk in faith and obedience, advancing the Kingdom plan.
- And partner with God and angels for divine planning and purposes.
Who should attend?
Anyone who has influence over a group of people and desires to lead effectively with the Holy Spirit’s guidance for maximum Kingdom advancement.
Such as: parents, small group leaders, pastors, home church leaders, Bible study leaders, missionaries, and Kingdom Business owners.
What is included?
- Two full days and one half day of practical hands on Spirit-led instruction.
- All needed materials to pass on what you are learning to your teams and groups.
- Practice biblically-based tools to gain leadership skills that include the Holy Spirit for planning and group facilitation.
- Coffee, water and snacks.
- An event party on Wednesday at the Presenter’s house to build connections for those in attendance.
What does it cost?
Early Bird Discount Rates until March, 31, 2025
$259.00 for Individual
$229.00 Team Rate per person for 2+
From April 1- May 15, 2025
$289.00 for an Individual
$259.00 Team rate per person for 2+
For those who are interested, this workshop can be applied to the requirements needed to become a Spirit Life Workshops Mentor. This is a paid opportunity.
Any interested participants have an opportunity to continue their learning and practice of the content learned at this workshop by joining a Spirit Life Circle.
More information about those opportunities will be shared at the workshop.
Get a FREE taste of Spirit Life Workshops by attending our
PRACTICAL ABIDING Mini-Spirit Life Workshop!

Register for a Practical Abiding Demo Workshop Session Options
In this 1.5 hour mini workshop you will learn how to:
Encounter God with all of your spiritual senses using the Biblically-based tool of dialogue journaling.
Learn and practice techniques for increasing your intimacy with Christ.
Practice inviting the Holy Spirit to help you interpret the scripture and apply it to your life.
Experience Jesus speaking to and through each member in attendance in a group encounter challenge.
Allow Jesus to reveal His heart for you and show to create holy habits of abiding that work for you!
We hope to see you at the EQUIPPING KINGDOM LEADERS Spirit Life Workshop too!
Schedule a Practical Abiding Demo Workshop for your team
For a team of two or more, we can schedule your own Practical Abiding Mini Workshop Webinar. Contact Dr. Patty Sadallah at Patty@SpiritLifeWorkshops.com
Dr. Patty Sadallah
Team Leader, Facilitater, Author, Podcaster and Ministry Leader of Spirit Life Circles, Spirit Life Workshops and the Online Spirit Life Workshops
Patty Sadallah Ministries
Dr. Michelle Kirby
Christian Counselor, Leader of the Kingdom Marketplace Ministry and Spirit Life Circles Mentor, Online Spirit Life Workshops Content Contributor.
In All Things Ministry

Pastor George Medellin
Pastor of House of Glory, Presence Minister and Spirit Life Circles Mentor, Online Spirit Life Workshops Content Contributor.
Kimberly Jones
Spirit-Led Leadership Coach/Trainer
Online Spirit Life Workshops Content Contributor.
Revivalist Academy

What our Spirit Life Circles and Workshop Mentors had to say...

General Schedule of Events
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Dinner break on your own
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
8:00 AM- 12:00 PM Session 3
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch break on your own
1:30 PM – 6:30 PM Session 4
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Join us for an event party at the Presenter’s house
Thursday, May 22, 2025
8:00 AM- 1:00PM Session 5