The goal of Spirit Life Workshops is to move you from your present state of intimacy with Christ to a deeper relationship and a new level of anointing in Christ from faith to faith, glory to glory. Our purpose is to equip the saints to rise up and fulfill their destined callings. We teach practical ways to invite Jesus to guide, direct, heal and transform you to build up the body of Christ in unity and power.
Jesus had this to say about why He called us to this ministry…
If your heart feels stagnant, shallow, clogged or troubled, and you need the calming balm of My love. Come to experience the truth of John 7:37-38 “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Me], as the Scripture has said, ‘From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water.’”
“I want those who have found themselves stagnant or in shallow waters know there is more in Me. It is for those who are searching for the path to the greater works I have promised and want to know how to access it. I’m looking for those thirsty for the deeper reservoirs of my Kingdom and hungry for Me. I need those who are ready and willing to say ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ to my call in their lives. Learn how to go deeper, to linger in my presence, and you will be able to release more!
I am doing a new thing in the season, and I need My body to be Spirit-led and fully equipped for their destined callings. It’s time for the Bride to prepare for her Groom. The harvest is plentiful, and the workers are few. (Luke 10). If this is tugging at your heart, then I invite you to taste and see that I AM good!”
Testimonials from Spirit Life Workshop Participants
“The whole worship was conducted in the rich presence of God. I saw the Glory of God like a think heavy fog covering like a blanket the whole sanctuary. Mixed with fire and light. I also saw a tall being, taller than the church at the front area.”
“The workshop showed me another way to connect with Jesus. Loved the speakers! Experienced deliverance from rejection.”
Tina C.
“I received clear direction for my destiny culminated on the last day. I was taken to a new special place with Jesus and truths about how He created me to live out of my destiny."
"The level of encounters was so good! The breakthrough for me was consisting of to going into powerful encounters to seek the Lord for next steps or just intimacies. Spending time in the spirit and hearing and seeing Jesus was priceless.”
Debra M.
“It was an incredible list of experiences and life learning process."
Michael R.
“I have clearer direction. I learned how to have a much deeper connection with Jesus. I learned key lessons in how to connect with Jesus for more intimacy.”
Heather R.
“I plan to use what I have learned to increase my focus, time and hearing from the Lord. I loved everything I learned from each of the presenters and had beautiful times with the Lord and received great things from Him. I surrendered more.”
“The messages I received from the Lord were clear and easily discovered by the encountering meditations."
“I enjoyed the emphasis on hearing from the Lord. I enjoy the practical aspects of teaching and then immediately putting it into practice. Explanations of various aspects were very clear and concise.”
“I love what you’re doing! I learned how to talk to Jesus increased intimacy and I learned to ask, ask ,ask! I received surrender, increased intimacy in His presence. Love the one-on-one time freed up my imagination with Jesus allowing Him to take me to places in the spirit! Wow!”
Maria M.
“I love the times of connecting with Jesus and hearing from Him. It opened my eyes to areas to seek Jesus. I learned that my relationship with him is more important than “doing” for Him.“
Sheralyn L.
• “I created everyone to be able to connect with Me personally and the Word clearly shows the way. I am here for everyone in all ways. My heart longs for you.”
• “Nothing can overpower the blood of the Lamb. No illness, no curse, no sin, no scheme of the enemy is a match for the purifying power of My perfect blood. My blood covenant promise comes from My sacrifice for you and by you surrendering your will to Mine.”
• “It only takes one incredible moment with Me to fan the flame of revival into a blazing wildfire. I trust you and this team to create that one moment for everyone present at that event.”
" I learned my identity as child of God. I am the apple of His eyes, His treasured possession. He is leading me step by step, supplying all of my needs."
"I learned how to stop running to people or the world for getting my needs met. Now I know how to ask HIM. I'm spending more time with HIm and He is who He says He is!"
"Learning how to dialogue journal has led to major breakthroughs in my life. God speaks to me personally and guides my life! Game changer!!
Our Core Team
Dr. Patty Sadallah, Author, Team Leader & Facilitator
“We will walk you through understanding who you are in Christ and how to engage and stay with Jesus. In His Glory you will be transformed, healed and equipped for your destined purpose!
Experience Jesus with Dr. Patty Sadallah Podcast.

George Medellin, Pastor & Presence Minister
“I believe Jesus wants to show us more of His kingdom, more of Father’s heart, and more of His Spirit’s resources available to us. I look forward to sharing with you what He’s shown me.”
House of Glory

Dr. Michelle Kirby, Author & Christian Counselor
“Jesus is ever reaching out for you to join Him in a deeper way. I am excited for you to join us as we grow closer to Him in His presence.”

Martina Keast, Author & Expressive Art Practitioner
“Learn more about yourself and God by seeking a greater emotional connection with your Divine Creator through artistic expression.”

Kymm Chohan, Administrator for House of Glory
“Join us as we intentionally lean into the Heart of God and discover how a life marked by His Presence and His radical love unlocks radical creativity. Inviting people to experience life, known and loved.”
House of Glory

Most of these presenters are also Spirit Life Circle Mentors. Spirit Life Circles offer mentored coaching for discipleship. It is an international weekly online and when possible, in-person gathering where members encounter Jesus, laugh, cry, learn, grow, ask, heal, celebrate, share, sing, challenge, love, wonder, praise, transform, and practice releasing the gifts of the Holy Spirit together! For more information about Spirit Life Circles, contact Dr. Patty Sadallah at Patty@PattySadallah.com.
Contact Us
For more information contact Dr. Patty Sadallah at Patty@SpiritLifeWorkshops.com
Cancelation Policy: If you have registered and are unable to attend, full refunds are available up to one week prior to the workshop start date. You can also apply your registration to a future workshop as a paid-forward portion. Or, if possible, consider your registration as sowing into the ministry as a donation. Let us know your preference if you want to cancel.